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1- Add CPDB support to your application

C language


CPDB is a Palm shared library. To add CPDB support to your C application, you must only open the library, it's very easy and some Macro are provided to simplify the manipulation.


Install CPDB on the device

The CPDB library, a little prc file, must be installed with your application. For your testing session you must install the lib on the POSE Emulator, like another application.


On the POSE emulator :


On your Palm device :


With Falch.net DeveloperStudio :

It's very easy to install CPDB library each time you run your test or debug session.

Do the same way to install a CPDB database for use with CPDB.


Modify your source code

Some addition must be done on your main.c and your application header file.

In main.c :

- Add the following line before the first function of your code :

// #include ...
// First function

Note : do not type a ";" on the end.

- Add the following line in your "StartApplication" or PilotMain* function :

static int StartApplication(void)

return 0;

* Before the first form is opened

Note : do not type a ";" on the end.

- Add the following line in your "StopApplication" or PilotMain* function :

static void StopApplication(void)


* Before the end of execution, after the "EventLoop" and AFTER closing forms (by this way, you can close your databases in the FrmClose event).

Note : do not type a ";" on the end.

In the application header file :

- Add the following lines in any place :

#include "CPDBSTD.h"


You need to put the "CPDBSTD.h" file in your project directory. You can find this file in the CPDB installation directory.

Note : do not type a ";" on the end of the CPDB_USELIB line.



Four line to add, your application is CPDB ready !

Creation date : 01/10/2003 @ 05:58
Last update : 01/10/2003 @ 08:53
Category : CPDB library
Page read 10177 times


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