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Welcome to CPDB.Net

Free ! Quick and simple access to your Palm databases !

Integrate CPDB.net library in your C, C++ and HSPascal projects and benefit from a simplified access to databases on Palm OS (PDB). Use the advanced features of CPDB.net to browse and filter your records, manage your fields, and take advantage of a variety of functionalities adapted to all database developments on Palm OS ... [Read more ...]

CPDB.net is your database management solution for Palm OS applications !

Instant integration in your application with only 2 lines of code :

  // #include ...

static int StartApplication(void)
// Load library


Simple and clear use :

  if (CPDB_DatabaseExist("HiScoreCPDB") == CPDB_ERR_NOEXIST)
(0, "HiScoreCPDB",
CPDB_WriteString(hHiScore, "NAME", "CPDB");
CPDB_WriteShortInt(hHiScore, "LEVEL", Level);
CPDB_WriteInt(hHiScore, "SCORE", Score);
CPDB_Open(0, "HiScoreCPDB", dmModeReadWrite, &hHiScore);
// Read the first record
err = CPDB_ReadFirst(hHiScore);
while (err == 0)
// Your code here
// example :
CPDB_ReadInt(hHiScore, "SCORE", &iScore);
// Read next record
err = CPDB_ReadNext(hHiScore);

A wizard to help you :

Use CPDBWizard to discover the functionalities of CPDB.NET, to describe your databases and to generate the source code necessary to the basics operations: creation of the database, browse, search, addition and modification, etc.


CPDB library
   1- Add CPDB support to your application
   2- Open and close databases
   3- Browse operations
   4- Fields operations
   5- Functions of modification of a database
   6- Sort and search operations
   7- Index of functions
   8- Error codes
   CPDB Conduit
   CPDB Features


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